Saturday, February 25, 2017

Stockton Students 
"Move in day was the scariest day of my life... or so I thought! All summer long I was anxious yet excited to start my college experience at Stockton University. Before I knew it my parents were saying goodbye as I unpacked my last box in my dorm room. I remember it like it was yesterday seeing hundred of new people in a new environment and i wasn't sure if i could handle it.. but luckily I was happier than ever and even have a few tips for your freshman year the best experience too!"~Valerie

  1. Don't Be Afraid To Get Involved
  2. Always Try New Things
  3. Connect With Future Roommate 
  4. Talk About Expectations
  5. Don't Worry If You Are Still Undecided
  6. Always Ask Professors If You Need Help!