Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Make Life Easier with Microsoft OneNote!

Want to know the best way to keep all your documents organized, and stay in touch with important business partners, colleagues, professors, students...etc.? 

Microsoft OneNote is the perfect program guaranteed to make things a little easier. In fact, tons of Microsoft windows user do not even know they have it already installed, even though it has been wight the Office bundles for years now. OneNote is perfect for keeping yourself organized. The notes taken on the program are automatically synced to your other devices using Microsoft's OneDrive service. Another great advantage of this is that OneNote 2016 for desktops is completely free as well as the app, and if you have an older version converting to the newer one costs nothing as well.

I've used OneNote my past two years of college, and I couldn't be happier. I used it for my notes, documents, images, and my professors would make accounts for different classes as well. This allowed an easy way to stay in touch with everyone in class at the click of a button. We would be able to share files in seconds and they would pop up on each other screens thanks to OneDrive. You can also add audio, video, and pictures, making class lectures way easier especially since you could also add typed or written notes. You can use the app on multiple devices, and if u don't have a pen in class u can use the screen to write a quick note on to be saved for later. Also, another great factor is saving emails. I set up the 3 easy steps on how to do so shown below!

  • Some example of OneNote from my pervious classes, notice the tabs to keep yourself organized. (Click on images for a closer look)

Save Emails to OneNote

1) Choose your email address: Select which email to use for saving OneNote emails
2) Choose your Destination: Choose where in your OneNote you would like to store them; Section
3) Email the Content: Send an email to me@onenote.com to save directly; then access all saved emails on any device!

But what if I want to switch over from Evernote?

Not a problem! A simple process can be taken in which all of your Evernote material is imported right into OneNote. This is done using a free tool called EverNote2OneNote however before you begin you must have...
1. .NET Framework 4.6
2. The desktop version of both Evernote and OneNote installed on your PC
3. OneNote 2013 and 2016 supported 
(Sidenote this only works on Windows)

Now that you are ready to begin, open the conversion program, select which notebooks you would like to and click on "Start Import" to begin the process. You can only convert one notebook at a time as well, but it will all be totally worth it. Once the word "Finished" is displayed exit out of the program, and enjoy the wonderful experience Microsoft OneNote has to offer!

When reading The Connected Educator, I found it very interesting learning about personal learning networks and professional learning communities. After going more in depth into each of them, I thought about how perfect it would be for OneNote to help build your own personal learning network. I think it would more suit the personal learning network, because they are about individuals gathering information and sharing resources that enhance their personal and professional learning. Personal learning networks are a system in which educators participate by sharing and learning from other who share with them. What other better way to do so than by using OneNote to establish regular communication with individuals and groups that share interests around the globe! This program will save all of your interests and professional documents that can be shared instantly, and I think Chapter 2 really works well with these organizational tools. I also enjoyed reading about the need for diversity. One quote I found captivating was, "Successful learning communities evolve and mature, embracing diverse members who differ in what they bring to the community in terms of background, experience, and knowledge of practice. The importance of diversity is foundational for organizations and individuals wanting to reculture, transform, or totally reinvent themselves in order to remain relevant in student's lives." This was a great way to end the chapter, and bring importance to this topic as well.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

What do you know about your own digital footprint?

When using the internet, people tend to forget how intelligent it actually is. Bookmarking is also a key role in the media we search. In Untangling the web we learned about Diigo a site that stores your bookmarks. this account can be shared with others or set in private depending on what you want. There are tons of different applications that are helpful in sharing things with others, and making life a little easier. However, everything we search, post, like, and more can always be traced back to us no matter what. Nothing seems to vanish into thin air like many believe... So what does your digital footprint say about you? You should be sharing insightful information and always think about how it would appear to potential employers, family members, and friends. You should always remember that what you do online is permanent!

     Your social media plays a huge factor in your digital citizenship. Social media can make or destroy someone literally at the click of a button. This can potentially ruin your education, as well as your future career. From bullying to posting illegal activities, they all have negative consequences and should be taken very seriously. For example with illegal activities, not only can students get expelled, but also charged with criminal prosecution; something no employer will like to see. Companies also may check out these social media platforms to check out your work styles, and if your fit for the company. Employers research these media platforms and can find a gold mine of information at the click of their mouse. Job recruiters are now more likely to forgive a few spelling errors on your résumé now and be more concerned of your foul language, and trash talking of old jobs on Facebook. When all of these horrible posts are revealed; stuff you did not intend for them to see its too late, and they see it as a sign of dishonesty and lack of loyalty. This being said below is a list of things students should never do on social media. 

The 12 No's of social media

1. Posting illegal activities
2. Bullying
3. Trashing your teacher
4. Post confidential information
5. Post Objectionable Content From School Computers or Networks
6. Overly specify check ins
7. Plagiarize
8. Threaten violence
9. Ignore school policies
10. Unprofessional public profiles
11. Never rely on privacy settings
12. Never post emotionally 

     Earlier this week in class we had the privilege of a google hangouts session with Cameron Brenchley. Cameron has worked at the US department of Education at the White House, and is currently the Vice President at Collaborative Communications. He discussed that while working at the White House his social media was on hold and his accounts went private. I thought this went perfectly with this weeks articles, and how his digit footprint could jeopardize his job. He was very friendly to talk to and gave us great advice like using Linked In for professional networking. He stated, "Linked In is the premier place for this... more users and more success, and thoughts published. I do think Linked in is the premiere place for users and professional networking... Twitter may not be the best going forward." I also agreed with when he said, "Never underestimate the power of a good email.", teachers, employers, etc love the direct communication and it makes it more heartfelt and personal. Overall, he was great having him in our class and he gave some great advice to have a successful social media account.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Make Life Easier with Google Hangouts!

     Google hangouts are a great way for anyone from anywhere to meet others at a click of a button! Hangouts is a virtual space where users can meet using both video and audio to hold discussions. The  free Google feature allows up to 10 people to communicate with one another whether it be video or audio chatting. You may also choose "Enable Hangouts On Air", this allows an even wider unlimited audience to view the discussion whether it be through a blog or YouTube, etc. This allows the videos to be streamed live, and then uploaded afterwards to YouTube and other social media. Hangouts comes in handy in many different scenarios that I will touch upon below. 

Here's how to get started!
  1. Visit https://plus.google.com/hangouts
  2. Make sure the camera and microphone are working correctly and start inviting others!
  3. Select who you would like to call (more than one for a group) and select the video or audio icon
  4. Start your hangout experience 

     The Google Hangouts option can be useful in tons of different ways. For example, teachers use this useful tool for conferencing with students or even bringing in virtual guest speakers into the classroom. I find this extremely helpful, especially on those days where its a real struggle to get to the classroom due to an illness, or a family situation. Google Hangouts now can help wherever you may be as long as you have a mobile device. I'll admit I've never heard or used this until a few weeks ago in college when my professor did a virtual class to make up for the one he missed. I thought this was awesome, and it really helped me understand better in what we had to accomplish for the following week.

     However, that's only the beginning and Hangouts  has become very resourceful to marketers, coaches, online launches, customer support, virtual office hours, and a bunch more. People no longer have to travel long exhausting flights just to share simple bits of information. If a person has a tight schedule, or it is simply easier meeting virtually this is perfect. Businesses can thrive more, and information can be shared faster from around the globe. All of it being done virtually through each participant sharing their own thoughts in a matter of seconds, and even being able to share their own  drive files as well! 

Google has a ton of tools to be utilized, and will definitely make make our future experiences a whole lot easier.
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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Blog 1: About Me

Hello, My name is Matthew Santino. I am from Manalapan New Jersey. I was recently undecided in my major, but I think I will pursue communications. I hope to use this to help me work in advertising, journalism, or the TV/movie industry one day, however I haven’t decided quite yet. I am new to the blogging community, and hope to learn more useful technological tools as well in my future. I took exploring my digital portfolio to do so.
     After reading our first assignment Chapter 6, Building Your Connected Learning Community I learned many helpful tools to help me start my digital image. Networking is very beneficial and helps us bring ideas together. Collaborating improves our ideas by building stronger communities and reaches out to other with similar interests, which may be beneficiary to whatever line of work you are in. Also, going along with reaching out to new individuals, it is important to know the key question: can they be trusted? For example, it may be helpful doing a small background check on them by seeing if their tweets are of value, or if they are using a real name or not. Once you start building your community, your members might have various roles such as a community leader, organizer, greeter, or just a regular participant. The members should figure out what role suits them, which then helps with the task of finding new members who share similar interests.  One quote I chose that was very interesting was, “Technology is a great tool for connecting folks and providing powerful spaces for meaningful global collaboration. However, learning transforms us and our students not the tools.” (Pg. 107) I selected this quote because it truly relates to the general theme of this chapter. Overall, we must continuously nurture the network we plan to build, and evolve from our ideas.
     Finally, The first article I chose from LiveBinder was titled “How to get followers: building a foundation”, by: Steven Hughes under the Twitter section. Steven gave many helpful piece of advice when first starting out on Twitter. For example, having an appropriate picture so people know who we are, as well as a short bio giving a little bit of information about ourselves. This makes us more searchable. It is also crucial to be active and consistent at least tweeting 8-10 timed a day, and if in conversation with someone on the website don’t wait too long to respond. Another helpful tip is that you want to follow people who follow people, because its more likely for a follow back. The best piece of advice I took from this was following 100 people a day in the beginning, and from that unfollow users not interested in following you back. People with similar interests tend to be a better source to stick with, because you can share things you have in common. Next, also under the Twitter selection I read the blog “100 perfect Twitter accounts for teachers”. The list was made for educators to expand their knowledge, and get tons of useful information regarding whatever subject they wanted to follow. The creators of this blog add twitter accounts to their list continuously. I checked out some of these accounts and was amazed to see such a vase amount of different information of various topics. For example, I checked out Lillie Marshal or @WorldLillie on twitter. She is a 6-foot tall teacher, traveler, and blogger. Her Twitter is art from all over the world, along with plans to make teaching more fun. She seems very adventurous and well educated, and her 19 thousand followers probably think so as well. Lastly, The final article I chose was titled “10 blogging blunders to avoid” by Emily Hill. She gives many useful tis on how to develop and maintain a well-designed blog. Spelling and grammar must be always looked over.  Well-written content will have readers coming back. The more mistakes a blog has, the less understandable it will be. Visual content is also a hug bonus, and gives the blog another dimension. It is better to have a visual representation so the reader has a better concept on what point is being made. Always keep your blog interesting and appealing. Clear fonts and color is a must, and it shouldn’t be difficult to the reader to see what you have to say. Keep the blog appealing to the eye. When all this is followed, promote the blog you put so much effort into! Having a social media, as well as engaging with comments who might be potential clients one day is a huge deal. Promote the blog on Twitter and Facebook and reach out to those with similar ideas. The hard work is worth it in the long run, and by following these steps your blog will surely succeed.