Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Make Life Easier with Microsoft OneNote!

Want to know the best way to keep all your documents organized, and stay in touch with important business partners, colleagues, professors, students...etc.? 

Microsoft OneNote is the perfect program guaranteed to make things a little easier. In fact, tons of Microsoft windows user do not even know they have it already installed, even though it has been wight the Office bundles for years now. OneNote is perfect for keeping yourself organized. The notes taken on the program are automatically synced to your other devices using Microsoft's OneDrive service. Another great advantage of this is that OneNote 2016 for desktops is completely free as well as the app, and if you have an older version converting to the newer one costs nothing as well.

I've used OneNote my past two years of college, and I couldn't be happier. I used it for my notes, documents, images, and my professors would make accounts for different classes as well. This allowed an easy way to stay in touch with everyone in class at the click of a button. We would be able to share files in seconds and they would pop up on each other screens thanks to OneDrive. You can also add audio, video, and pictures, making class lectures way easier especially since you could also add typed or written notes. You can use the app on multiple devices, and if u don't have a pen in class u can use the screen to write a quick note on to be saved for later. Also, another great factor is saving emails. I set up the 3 easy steps on how to do so shown below!

  • Some example of OneNote from my pervious classes, notice the tabs to keep yourself organized. (Click on images for a closer look)

Save Emails to OneNote

1) Choose your email address: Select which email to use for saving OneNote emails
2) Choose your Destination: Choose where in your OneNote you would like to store them; Section
3) Email the Content: Send an email to me@onenote.com to save directly; then access all saved emails on any device!

But what if I want to switch over from Evernote?

Not a problem! A simple process can be taken in which all of your Evernote material is imported right into OneNote. This is done using a free tool called EverNote2OneNote however before you begin you must have...
1. .NET Framework 4.6
2. The desktop version of both Evernote and OneNote installed on your PC
3. OneNote 2013 and 2016 supported 
(Sidenote this only works on Windows)

Now that you are ready to begin, open the conversion program, select which notebooks you would like to and click on "Start Import" to begin the process. You can only convert one notebook at a time as well, but it will all be totally worth it. Once the word "Finished" is displayed exit out of the program, and enjoy the wonderful experience Microsoft OneNote has to offer!

When reading The Connected Educator, I found it very interesting learning about personal learning networks and professional learning communities. After going more in depth into each of them, I thought about how perfect it would be for OneNote to help build your own personal learning network. I think it would more suit the personal learning network, because they are about individuals gathering information and sharing resources that enhance their personal and professional learning. Personal learning networks are a system in which educators participate by sharing and learning from other who share with them. What other better way to do so than by using OneNote to establish regular communication with individuals and groups that share interests around the globe! This program will save all of your interests and professional documents that can be shared instantly, and I think Chapter 2 really works well with these organizational tools. I also enjoyed reading about the need for diversity. One quote I found captivating was, "Successful learning communities evolve and mature, embracing diverse members who differ in what they bring to the community in terms of background, experience, and knowledge of practice. The importance of diversity is foundational for organizations and individuals wanting to reculture, transform, or totally reinvent themselves in order to remain relevant in student's lives." This was a great way to end the chapter, and bring importance to this topic as well.

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree with you about how most users never even knew they have OneNote already installed because I was one of them. Reading your blog really inspired me to take advantage of this free opportunity to keep documents and notes from school, work, and anything else of importance organized and easily accessible. I also, enjoyed how you managed your blog with great detailed descriptions and steps to help make organization skills attainable.
