Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Step Into the World of Augmented Reality

So what exactly is Augmented Reality?

Augmented reality is defined as an enhanced image or environment as viewed on a screen or other display produced by overlying computer generated images, sounds, or other data on a real world environment. Augmented reality is available through our mobile smartphones such as the iPhone. These smartphones contain GPRS which takes information about a particular geographical location, which then can be overlaid with tags, images, etc connected with this location. This virtual world is popping up all over our own world from museums, zoos, schools, and even Nasa. This new technology has also been proven to be very educational, and enhances the world right in front of us!

One of my favorite augmented reality apps is called Zookazam! Zookazam provides children, teachers, and parents a new way to learn by bringing animals to life using 3D animation. The free app has more than 45 different animals to choose from, and they can be brought to life anywhere you are. The app is so unique in the fact that it is the first educational augmented reality app to require no marker whatsoever. Which I am sure that most parents will be happy to hear about as well. This app brings to life tons of different animal life and tells you facts about each interesting species. This is truly an extraordinary way to learn about animals, no matter where you might be. 

Just click on which species to select and its as simple as that!

This awesome app that I wish was around when I was younger, allows children to take their own photographs of the animals too! Simply print off the targets, and when viewed through the screen of the app, animals magically appear. This app also allows you to add lighting and weather affects to add to the realness. Many teachers also have used them as a prompt for creative writing: for example, just what would happen if someone brought a hippo into school? These exciting and creative new apps are the future, so what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of augmented reality and start exploring!

Lastly, another new and exciting app thats becoming very popular in 2016, is Where To Go. This free app is perfect if you are in a familiar, or unfamiliar area for business or vacation, and you need to find the closest grocery store, museum, pharmacy, doctor, business, etc. The app is for finding different points of interest and is available globally having over 500 location types! This great new system even has turn-by-turn directions to the destination you are planning to arrive at. One other great concept it has is, if you can not decide where to go, simply shake your phone and the app gives you a great new place to explore based on reviews. This is something definitely worth downloading and giving it a try for yourself!

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