Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Using tools to support connected learning!

"Technology in communities  is essentially just a means of creating fluidity between knowledge segments ... and connecting people." ~ George Siemens, researcher on learning, The University of Athabasca. 

After reading Chapter 6 of The Connected Educator, I discovered many helpful ways to use online tools, and integrate them with my learning experiences. One site I read about that relates to me so well, and helps me organize content I find interesting is called Delicious! This site helps me bookmark my content and tags websites for me. This site can truly be useful for anyone in school especially trying to remember all those helpful sites you are using when doing research, or doing a project. Every time you find an interesting webpage, you can incude the web address in your delicious account, and add tags so you can find it again! This would help me and many others of course when creating my works cited list. Also, another thing I have come to actually enjoy very much this year is blogging, microblogging especially. Microblogging tools help us share information quickly and to a larger audience as well. One example of this would be Twitter. Twitter is accessible from a smart phone or computer, and truly changed the face of blogging all together. Tweeting is like a small blog in the fact that you only have 140 character to get your point across. Twitter allows you to follow those who you may have common interests with, and share information at the click of a button. One huge benefactor of twitter is that microblogging time investment is minimal, and at the same time Twitter is so large and diverse you can easily find a broad network of people to collaborate with in seconds!

 Although all these websites are very helpful, they could also be very harmful to our reputations as well! Everyone should definitely think before they post on social media, and a great way to approach this is to proactively build your digital footprint. You should be professional at all times, because you never know when that old post will com back to haunt you. A great example of this would be the case of an Atalanta man named Gerod Roth. Gerod was fired over racist post in September of 2015, when he took a photo of himself and a co-worker's three year old son Cayden. Mr Roth posted the picture on his Facebook, and him and his friend proceeded to make racist comments like "I didn't know you were a slave owner.", and "Help feed this poor child today."The marketing executive was quickly fired along with some other commentors on the post. This just goes to show the impact of one click of a button, and how it truly changed his life within seconds! So remember... be smart, safe, and aware no matter who you think is watching. 

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