Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The Price of Shame

After watching the Ted Talk the Price of Shame with Monica Lewinsky it was very interesting hearing her side of the story. Giving a truly inspiring speech straight from her heart, she tells us of how at the age of 22 she fell in love with her boss the president of the United States. She then asks the crowd, "can I see a show of hands if anyone hasn't done anything they regretted at 22", and nobody raises them. She teaches us how life is full of surprises and we all makes mistakes. Monica Lewinsky was patient zero of public shaming. Her story emerged at the time of when the internet had taken off and hateful comment and emails came into effect. Her family was very scared that she would be humiliated to death.
Monica then fast forwards to the 2010's where social media takes off. She discusses the story of Tyler Clementi, the Rutgers boy who committed suicide due to his roommate video taping his personal life.   This poor boy killed himself because he couldn't live with the humility she says, and us as a society needs to take action. Monica Lewinsky ends the video by crying out for an end to public shaming as a blood sport, and we need a cultural revolution as soon as possible. Our culture needs this intervention, and we must return to passion and empathy instead of putting everyone down. Everyone deserves compassion online and off.

After reading Chapter 3 of Untangling the Web, I discovered many helpful ways to present my projects using presentation tools. One site I read about that relates so well to the magazine site Flipboard is Prezi. Prezi is not your traditional slide based presentation. This is because, what makes it so much more interesting is instead of slides it shifts towards different contents of information. Prezi is one of the first sites to display more than the traditional PowerPoint. I think this relates so well with Flipboard, because they were ahead of their time and display information just like their competitors, only in an original and easy way!

As social media in todays day and age expands, it it with our best ability to know and understand these platforms for a successful business opportunity. One of the best professional networking sites on the web today is LinkedIn! LinkedIn is a professional site with millions of users connecting the worlds professions and making them even more successful with great workers. This great app allows you to stay in touch with classmates as well as colleagues, while also discovering new business opportunities. You can also share and learn about different insights in your career world. Everyone looking to set new goals and build your career towards a better future should join the easy and free word of LinkedIn today.

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